Founder Q&A: Finding the Sweet Spot for Your Deck + Fundraising Fieldnotes 7.9.24

Perfecting Your Deck’s Recipe


I receive hundreds of emails and DMs every month from people asking for help and advice. I wish I could answer them all, but time just doesn't allow it. So, I had this idea: why not put me on the hot seat and answer all the questions I receive about a specific topic?

In this Q&A, we'll be discussing decks. Whether you're pitching to investors, presenting to clients, or simply sharing your vision with your team, a well-crafted deck can make all the difference.

2 questions in particular caught my eye which I want to walk through with you all today. They provide the perfect opportunity for me to deliver a few universal ideas around deck strategy.

Let’s jump in!

Perfecting Your Deck’s Recipe

What's the ugliest deck you've seen that got money because the company was actually good vs. the prettiest deck that got nowhere?

When I think about this question, I'm reminded of the time a VC friend described how a deck's looks and design are like salt in cooking. I loved this analogy because I'm big into cooking. Just like the perfect amount of salt in a dish goes unnoticed, too much or too little could ruin it.

I feel the same way about the design aesthetic and overall quality of a deck. If it feels over-designed, investors might start thinking, “What are they hiding?” or “Why are they spending so much on this?”

On the flip side, if the design is really bad- ugly or hard to look at- it can be distracting and leave investors wondering, “What am I supposed to focus on here?” Our goal is to stay in that sweet spot in the middle.

The one exception is if your company is brand-focused. A lot of CPG companies should have an elevated deck design because that's going to be part of their product. In that case, you’d need to demonstrate how good you are at design. But for everyone else, be like salt. We don't want to notice you in either direction. I've seen plenty of beautiful decks that get nowhere,  just a glossy finish to a nothing burger.

On the ugliest deck side of things, I've come across a few decks that focus on technical ability or deeper science.

There's something about the clunkiness of super technical decks that makes me believe these guys really know what they're doing. They just don't care about the deck's design; they're focused on the technical underpinnings and clearly explaining why they're great at it. I've seen a couple like that. However, I would rather people spend a little bit of time on the design to get it to the point where it's not so ugly that it's distracting.

While consumer goods companies may showcase their style with elaborate designs, others should focus on finding that delicate balance. I've seen visually striking decks that lacked substance, and rough ones that distracted me from how good the team/idea actually was. Balance is key.

The $100 Million ARR Vision

If we're pre-seed and pre-launch, do you want the "How to Reach $100 Million ARR" slide?

This question is about how to communicate a big vision. Instead of creating a slide that explicitly says, "How do we reach $100 million ARR?", you should demonstrate within your deck a trend or direction for achieving something big. I've seen firsthand that founders engage more effectively with their presentations when they align with the vision itself, rather than fixating on abstract targets.

You don't have to spell out exactly how you'll get to $100 million ARR. You just need to show that you have the ambition to keep growing. This is a company you want to be running forever, and as you continue pulling on a thread and moving in a direction, you won't stop because your goal is to build the biggest company possible.

Now, that could be represented by a big vision of getting to $100 million ARR, but it could also be a feeling of, "Wow, I get why this founder is building this business." It's clear that this founder isn't solely motivated by money. They will continue knocking down walls and expanding their business no matter what it takes.

The only thing I would add is that if you're going to talk about a big vision, you need to consider whether you have the credibility to back it up. Does your background support even throwing this idea out there? If not, maybe showing your deep focus on the next one or two steps is a more powerful way to demonstrate that you're in this for the right reasons. Then you can have some ideas around future growth and bake a lot of excitement into the deck.

That might be better than just saying, "Well, I've heard I should have a slide that says $100 million ARR. Let's do some backwards math and claim we could have a million users paying us $100 a year." There's no specific answer here, as with many questions about decks. It's not one size fits all. It's about how your story feels and how you can communicate it with the materials you have at hand.

Remember, the key takeaway is that less is more. Simplify your message, focus on clarity, and ensure your deck leaves a lasting impression.

Have questions or specific topics you want me to cover in the next Q&A? Let me know. And if you find this information helpful, feel free to share it 💪

Be chased,

Most founders struggle with storytelling in their pitches.

They trail on and on or don’t incorporate memorable speaking points to amplify their message… or both.

To help I’m releasing a FREE mini-course on how to craft and use mini-stories. It includes:

  • 2 key lessons with over 10 minutes of recorded lecture content

  • 1 detailed exercise to implement your learnings - a compilation of essays I wrote on narrative, deck & pitch

To gain access:

1. Click on this link

2. Take 1 minute to create an account on Circle (the platform we use for our courses)

3. Boom! access granted

After 4 weeks, you will get booted out so that we can roll out the next mini-course! (this also serves as a push for you to actually absorb the content instead of feeling like you have forever to do it)

This is a huge value add. I suggest you take advantage of it!

Great habit for all zoom calls. Make it a bit more subtle for fundraising so it doesn't sound like you're needy, but still drive to next steps...

Old but worth sharing to make sure you all see it. Like tennis, founders constantly have to quickly forget their failures and work hard past their successes.

Accurate 😛

Small asks!

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