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  • The guide to Calendar Density, a fundraising power move + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 8.13.21

The guide to Calendar Density, a fundraising power move + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 8.13.21

The how what and why of the most important concept in fundraising

Hey - it’s Jason Yeh 🕺🏻

This is my Friday recap of thoughts I’ve had while helping founders solve their fundraising challenges this past week (8.13.21)

If you have any questions, please reply! I try to get to every comment/question I get :)

What is Calendar Density besides the most important key to fundraising?

If you’ve seen, read, or listened to any of my work on fundraising, you know one of my favorite concepts to teach is Calendar Density. It’s a simple but powerful idea that drives optimal outcomes in fundraising. Up till now, I’ve only referenced the concept without deeply explaining it in prior essays. So here is the what, how, and why of Calendar Density- one of the absolute golden keys to great fundraising.

What is Calendar Density?

Calendar Density refers to the goal of scheduling most of your first meetings during a tightly packed, 2-week period of time. This usually looks like 5 or so pitch meetings a day for 2 weeks, although I’ve seen some crazy schedules with 8+ Zoom calls in a single day

How do you Achieve Calendar Density?

Calendar Density refers to a tightly packed set of meetings so to start, you’re going to have to ask for meetings. To ask for meetings, you need to have a list of people to ask. So the very first step of pursuing Calendar Density is creating a lead list of target investors. (continue reading for more on calendar density…)

On to the Fieldnotes for 8.13.21…

It does take an elite amount of skill…

Believe me…”not fundraising” is still very effective

Till next week. Stay adamant and be chased.


p.s. i can’t wait to do this to someone 😂

Small asks!

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